Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

TTRO Military Parade September – Temporary Road Closure


It is proposed to close sections of the above road between 12.00pm and 12:45pm on Saturday 7th September 2024.

The reason for this temporary road closure is in the interests of road safety as the Royal Regiment of Scotland march in a parade in Stornoway, to mark the Regiment being granted the Freedom of the Western Isles. It will allow a safe environment for the parade and spectators.

About 120 troops, including a pipe band, will gather near Porters Lodge before setting off through the town, finishing at Perceval Square.

The sections of road closed are: BAYHEAD STREET, CROMWELL STREET, NORTH BEACH STREET, CASTLE STREET, SOUTH BEACH STREET, KENNETH STREET, FRANCIS STREET, POINT STREET, BANK STREET – from the roundabout adjacent to Porters Lodge, along Bayhead Street and Cromwell Street and North Beach Street, then turning south on to Castle Street, then turning east along South Beach Street to the James Street/Shell Street roundabout. Additionally, from the South Beach Street/Kenneth Street junction, along Kenneth Street, then turning west along Francis Street and Point Street, then turning north along Bank Street.

Traffic will be held up at any junctions or accesses to the sections of road affected by the closure.

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