Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Positive Report for Care at Home Service

The Care Inspectorate has published a positive report of the June 2024 inspection of the Lewis Care at Home Service.

The report was very positive scoring the service as Very Good and Good in the two measured categories.

·       How well do we support people’s wellbeing?  5 – Very Good

·       How good is our staff team? 4 – Good

The feedback from the inspectors acknowledges the quality of the staff team providing the care. Inspectors observed staff supporting people with warmth, respect and kindness, spoke positively of the skills and knowledge of staff and noted the effective leadership of the management team.

Key Messages from the Inspection Were

·       Staff were very good at developing meaningful relationships with people.

·       People and families were very happy with the service they received.

·       Managers were committed to providing a good service to people requiring support.

·       People benefited from staff teams who worked well together.

·       People, families and professionals spoke positively about the skills and knowledge of staff.

Emma Macsween, Head of Partnership Services, said:

“This report is overwhelmingly positive and recognises the outstanding work of the Care at Home team. The care at home team and managers have been recognised for their skill, knowledge and most importantly the genuine care they show for people. Work to recruit further highly motivated individuals into this team is ongoing and will strengthen the good work that is carried out daily. Finally, I would like to thank our service users, their families and friends for their ongoing support and cooperation.”   

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is looking to attract new home care staff to permanent posts with opportunities for progression and benefits. Staff recruited from out with the Western Isles will benefit from Key worker housing status and relocation packages. Further information is available on the Comhairle website.

You can apply for jobs with the Comhairle’s care at home service at My Job Scotland.


