Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Comhairle Representatives Meet Kirsty McNeill MP

John Cunningham, Duncan Macinnes and Anne Murray meet Kirsty McNeil MP

Representatives from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar today met with Kirsty McNeill MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Scotland Office, during a two-day visit to the Isle of Lewis.

Discussions covered a range of matters including infrastructure, economic growth priorities, impact of specific UK Government policies on the islands, and the future direction of UK Government funding streams. Assurances were sought on the UK Government’s commitment to securing the long-term future of the Arnish Yard, and on the status of the £20m funding allocated to the Outer Hebrides through the previous Government’s Levelling Up Partnership programme.
Comhairle Leader, Cllr Paul Steele, said,

“We are encouraged by the interest in island issues that has been demonstrated by this early visit from UK Government representatives, and are confident that the visit has showcased the immense contribution the islands can make to UK economic growth and vitality, should the right conditions be in place to support this. At today’s meeting we highlighted the importance of a forum for island issues within UK Government. I look forward to future joint working on the areas discussed today.”


