Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Funding Secured to Support Heritage Development in the Outer Hebrides

Comann Dualchas Innse Gall (the Outer Hebrides Heritage Forum), in partnership with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Heritage Service, is pleased to announce an award from a national funding body to advance heritage development in the Outer Hebrides.

The project, ‘A’togail suas an Dualchais tro na h-Eileanan an Iar | Heritage Building in the Outer Hebrides’, was awarded £57,400 after a successful application to the Museums Galleries Scotland Museum Development Fund.  This funding will be used to advance key aims of the Outer Hebrides Great Place Strategy (‘Dualchas do Dhaoine’, GPS strategy), the ten-year heritage strategy for the Western Isles.

Through research, training and skills development, the project will support museums and heritage organisations with digital development such as marketing, social media and outreach. The project will improve access to, and quality of, information on heritage sites and museums in the area in a collaborative and networked manner.  With major heritage developments underway, and a forecasted increase in visitor numbers across the island chain, the project presents a key opportunity to build the skills base, visibility and offer of the heritage and museums sector of the Outer Hebrides.

Jasmine Montgomery Wilkie, Development Officer for Comann Dualchas Innse Gall (CDIG), said:

“The GPS strategy was produced as a result of community and partner consultation undertaken over the course of three years.  From this, actions were identified for the years 2022-2032 inclusive.  The funding obtained from Museums Galleries Scotland for this project will help us to deliver on several of these actions, and the implications of this project will be that the quality of information and skills will be improved, and a wider range of people will engage with and be represented in both our Accredited and community-led museums and heritage organisations.  We express deep gratitude to Museums Galleries Scotland for supporting this project.  Thathar taingeil dha Museums Galleries Scotland airson taic a chumail ris an pròiseact.”

Colin George Morrison, Team Leader for Heritage and Culture at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

Louise Matthews, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, and Jasmine Montgomery Wilkie, Comann Dualchas Innse Gall, who will be working together to deliver the project.

“We are very grateful to Museums Galleries Scotland for this funding contribution which is another positive and timely boost for the local heritage sector. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Outer Hebrides Heritage Forum and other partners on heritage development through the ‘Dualchas Do Dhaoine’ GPS strategy.”

Sandra MacInnes, Chair of Comann Dualchas Innse Gall, added:

“The main aim of CDIG is to encourage heritage development in the Outer Hebrides.  With an investment like this, it gives us a great boost, and helps us to drive the strategy aims forward whilst helping heritage organisations”.

Lucy Casot, CEO, Museums Galleries Scotland said:

“We’re delighted to support this project that will deliver a strategic change for the heritage sites of the Outer Hebrides. Working in collaboration through Comann Dualchas Innse Gall will help make these important community spaces more resilient and sustainable.”

Comann Dualchas Innse Gall seeks to support the advancement of community-led heritage organisations and museums across the Outer Hebrides in researching, recording and sharing the rich history of the islands, as well as promoting Gaelic language and culture.  Through skills development and sharing knowledge and resources, it seeks to build resilience for the community-led heritage and museums sector of the whole of the Outer Hebrides.

If you are a constituted community-led heritage organisation or museum working in the Outer Hebrides and would like to join the 25 member organisations in Comann Dualchas Innse Gall, please contact Jasmine, either by visiting or


