Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Postal Voting Update

Royal Mail has confirmed that the 2nd issue of postal ballot packs for the UK General Election will be delivered in Lewis and Harris today. The Uist postal ballot packs have been delivered to the Uist Sorting Office by the mail plane this morning and should be out for delivery either today or tomorrow. The Barra postal ballot packs will be delivered tomorrow, Saturday 29 June.

If you applied for a postal vote you are encouraged to keep an eye on the post and once your pack is received, complete it and return it as soon as possible.
Electors in the Harris area should now have received separate postal ballot packs for the By-Election on 4 July. Again once your pack is received please complete it and return it as soon as possible.
Any individual who does not receive a postal vote can contact the election team by email at The team will be able to offer advice and where necessary issue replacement postal ballot packs.
Guidance on completing and returning postal votes is available on the Electoral Commission Website.



