Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Sport and Health Charlie Nicolson Primary Football Festival

On Wednesday 19th June, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sport and Health team hosted Primary Schools from Lewis and Harris at the annual Charlie Nicolson 7 a side Primary Football Festival.

A total of 21 teams took part on the day, with representatives from the following schools: Sir E Scott, Back, Sgoil nan Loch, Stornoway Primary, Breasclete, Laxdale, Sgoil an Taobh, Tong, Sgoil an Rubha, Shawbost and Lionel.

The festival was played in great spirit, with all pupils showing excellent sportsmanship, respecting the officials, supporting their fellow teammates, being positive, and most importantly having fun.

Around 200 primary pupils took part in the 3 hour event, with the festival format allowing the children to play in a pressure free environment, whilst still challenging themselves; having the flexibility to try new skills; and the opportunity to develop current skills, all in a relaxed atmosphere.

One school staff member commented:

“It was great to see primary children from all over Lewis and Harris getting the opportunity to compete for their schools against each other in this football festival.”.

Sport & Health would like to thank all the volunteers and staff members who came along and supervised the pupils on the day, and Nicolson Institute PE staff for kindly allowing the festival to take place on the all-weather pitch for the morning. We would also like to extend a special thanks to Joel, Sam, Cole, Calum and Andrew for offering to referee the games. Finally, a big thank you to the pupils themselves for their effort and positive attitude.


