Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Sport and Health WIIGA School Sports

On Thursday 30th and Friday 31st May Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sport and Health Team hosted Lewis and Harris schools for the Western Isles Island Games Association School Sports Event.

On Thursday, Secondary school pupils from Sir E Scott and the Nicolson Institute competed in several events (Nicolson Institute pupils competed for their Houses). A total of 7 teams per year group competed in the following athletic events – 100m, 200m, 400m, long jump, shot putt, high jump and relays.

On Friday, it was the turn of the Primary schools, with 12 team from Lewis and Harris taking part. The Primary was split into two sections: Section A – 100 pupils or less and section B – 101 pupils and above. Pupils competed in the 75m, 150m, 300m, long jump, shot putt and relay events.

A total of 150 pupils took part over the 2 days, with the events competed in great spirit. All pupils showed excellent sportsmanship, respected the officials, supported their fellow teammates, were positive and most importantly had fun.

All volunteers, teachers and children endeavoured to win making the event exciting and enjoyable to be part off.

A Comhairle Spokesperson said:

“The event was competed in a great spirit, and it was great to see children and young people from all over Lewis and Harris competing against each other in an athletics competition”.

Sports Development Services would like to thank all the volunteers and teachers for supervising the pupils on the day, special thanks go to the Senior Nicolson Pupils that supported the event and finally the pupils that participated over the 2 days.


Section A – Sgoil an Taobh Siar
Section B – Stornoway Primary
Section C – Sir E Scott
Section D – Nicolson (Addison)



