Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Tribute Paid to Depute Chief Executive

Calum Iain Maciver, Depute Chief Executive of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, attended his final meeting of the Comhairle’s Sustainable Development Committee on 18 June. Calum Iain leaves the Comhairle at the end of June following 21 years of service.

Speaking at the meeting Cllr Donald Crichton, Chair of the Comhairle’s Sustainable Development Committee paid tribute to Mr Maciver’s outstanding public service.

Councillor Crichton said:

“ Calum Iain’s contribution to economic development in the Western Isles over the last two decades is immeasurable. From his previous role with HIE to his posts with the Comhairle he has over the years provided leadership and direction on steering our aspirations and ambitions to make our Islands a prosperous and dynamic place to live. 

“In particular,  Calum Iain played a significant role in making the case for our renewables aspirations. Over many years he has worked hard behind the scenes engaging with numerous UK and Scottish Government Ministers and officials, about the need for a cable to connect our resources to the UK grid and bring substantial benefits to our local communities. It is fitting that as he leaves the Comhairle, we now have a commitment for a cable to be constructed and hopefully a renewables revolution for our communities. He played a huge part in making the case for this and he was highly respected by the Ministers and civil servants he dealt with. 

“He is highly respected by his colleagues and by us as members. His advice and counsel will be missed by us all. On a personal note, I want to thank him for his support and advice to me as Chair of this committee over the last seven years. We wish Calum Iain well for the future and send our best wishes to Dorothy and the family. “ 


