Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Statutory Consultations Pending

These are applications made to Scottish Ministers, usually the Energy Consents Unit under S36 or S37 of the Electricity Act or to Marine Directorate for a Marine Licence or to Transport Scotland for a Harbour Revision Order, in respect of which the Comhairle is a statutory consultee. These application are typically for national or major scale development and most often subject to Environmental Impact Assessment.

23/00380/CONSG –
Uisenis Wind Farm, Eisgean Estate, Isle of Lewis
Consultation on EIA and SEI report.

Deepwater South, Stornoway Harbour Revision Order Scoping Request

Consultation Responses

Stornoway Deepwater South, Marine Licence Consultation Scoping Request

Consultation Responses