Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Social Work (Children)

Journeying with children and families to reach their full potential

The vision of the Outer Hebrides Child Protection Committee is ‘Journeying with children and families to reach their full potential.’

As part of this joint journey, we believe that the children and young people in the Western Isles are to be nurtured with love, respect and compassion, that their views are listened to and their voices heard.

Like all in our communities, we as professionals recognise that the wellbeing of children and young people across the Western Isles is at the heart of all that we do and that investing in our children is investing in our future. We will be working collaboratively to keep our children, young people and families safe, cared for and protected.