Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Dà chuirm eile air an Ainmeachadh mu Choinneamh Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme

Gabhaidh dà chuirm eile àite ann an Leòdhas mar phàirt de Dhìleab 2024: Leverhulme.  Gabhaidh a’ chiad chuirm àite anns an Lanntair air Diciadain 15 Cèitean aig 1930 agus bidh fiosrachadh a thaobh thiogaidean ri fhaighinn a dh’ aithghearr.  Bidh sgoilearan bho chlasaichean Gàidhlig AS1 bho Àrdsgoil Mhicneacail a’ taisbeanadh nan sgilean aca agus a’ dol air ais ceud bliadhna gus sùil a thoirt air eachdraidh an eilein aig an àm. Àm air leth inntinneach agus dràma gu leòr ri fhaicinn.

Thuirt Coinneach MacÌomhair, a sgrìobh dealbh-chluiche Sgoil Mhicneacail còmhla ri Aonghas Mac’Illinnein:

“As-dèidh cho math sa chaidh cùisean dhuinn le Dìleab 2023: Metagama, cha b’ e ruith ach leum a bhith ag obair le Àrdsgoil Mhicneacail air Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme.  Chòrd e rium gu mòr a bhith ag obair còmhla ris na sgoilearan agus tha sinn a-nis air bhioran seo a thoirt chun an àrd-ùrlair.  Bha mi ag obair an luib sgoilearan a’ Bhac agus Àrd Thunga an-uiridh agus bha e math a bhith air ais còmhla riutha agus iad a-nis san àrdsgoil.  Tha e na adhbhar misnichd dhomh gu bheil ginealach ùr a’ tighinn troimhe aig a bheil tuigse agus ùidh nar n-eachdraidh.  Cuideachd, tha na sgoilearan a’ faighinn cothruim sgilean eile a leasachadh agus bu chòir fàilte mhòr a chur air a seo”.

Bidh an dàrna oidhche a’ gabhail àite aig Sgoil an Rubha air Diardaoin 23mh Cèitean aig 1930.  Thuirt Catriona Dunn a bha a’ cumail taic ri na sgoilearan le bhith ag ionnsachadh mun eachdraidh agus na sgeulachdan ceangailte ri Bodach an t-Siabainn:

“Bha e na thlachd dhomh a bhith ag obair le sgoilearan an Rubha.  Bha deagh chuimhn’ ac’ air na dh’ionnsaich iad an-uiridh agus bha e follaiseach gun do chòrd e riutha a bhith ag ionnsachadh mun Mhorair Leverhulme.  Buidheann air leth easgaidh agus tha mi làn chinnteach gum bi iad air an deagh ullachadh airson an oidhche mhòr.  Tha Anna Frater ri moladh airson sgriobt cho innleachdail a sgrìobhadh.

Bidh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu thiogaidean airson tachartas an Rubha ri fhaighinn anns na seachdainean a tha air thoiseach oirnn.

Thuirt Evelyn Coull NicLeòid bho Roinn an Fhoghlaim aig a’ Chomhairle:

“Tha mòran obrach air gabhail àite o thoiseach na blìadhna agus tha sinn taingeil gu bheil sgioba cho làidir againn a bhios a’ lìbhrigeadh a’ phròiseict gu na sgoiltean againn.  Ged a tha na cuirmean fhèin aig cridhe na cùise, tha am pròiseas a cheart cho cudromach.  Tha na sgilean a tha an òigridh a’ faighinn air leth feumail dhaibh agus seasaidh sin riutha fad am beatha.  Tha e cuideachd a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh na sgilean cànain aca a leasachadh agus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an suidheachaidhean eile.

Bu mhath le Comhairle nan Eilean Siar taing a thoirt do Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson an taic maoineachaidh a thug iad seachad gus Dìleab 2024 a thoirt gu buil.   Tha an taic a bhios sinn a’ faighinn bho ar com-pàirtichean, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, na buannachd leantainneach dhuinn uile.

Two Further Productions Announced for Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme

Two further productions, as part of the Dìleab 2024: Leverhulme project, will take place in Lewis in the coming weeks.  The first evening will take place at An Lanntair in Stornoway on Wednesday the 15th of May at 7.30pm and information on tickets will be available soon.  The production will feature pupils in AS1 (Gaelic Medium) from the Nicolson Institute.  Those in attendance will be transported back one hundred years to explore the history and politics which were happening on the island at the time. 

Coinneach MacIver, who co-wrote the script for the Nicolson Institute with Angus MacLennan said:

“After the success of Dileab 2023: Metagama, I jumped at the opportunity to once again be involved in Dìleab 2024.  I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the pupils and we are now excited to get the production stage ready.  I worked with pupils from Back and Tong last year and it was great to see some of the pupils who are now in secondary school.  It is particularly encouraging to see a new generation coming through who have an interest and new found knowledge in the history of our people.  Furthermore, the pupils are gaining much wider skills by participating in this project and this should be hugely welcomed”.

The second evening will take place at Sgoil an Rubha on Thursday the 23rd of May at 7.30pm and will feature pupils from P5-7 Gaelic Medium.  Catriona Dunn, who has been working with pupils on the historical context and stories relating to the time added:

“It was a pleasure to work with the pupils at Sgoil an Rubha.  They remembered well what they had learnt last year about the Metagama and it was evident that have enjoyed learning about Lord Leverhulme.  They are a diligent group of young people and I am certain they will be well rehearsed and give a great performance on the night.  Anne Frater is to be commended for producing such a wonderful script”.

Evelyn Coull MacLeod, from the Education Department of the Comhairle further commented:

“A huge amount of work has been undertaken since the start of the year and we are thankful to have such a strong and talented team who have been delivering inputs to our schools.  Although the final performances are at the heart of what we do the entire process is equally, if not more, important. The skills our young people are obtaining is hugely important and will remain with them for many years. It also gives our pupils the opportunity to further develop their language skills and utilise them in different contexts”.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar would like to thank the Scottish Government for their financial support in bringing Dìleab 2024 to fruition.  Ongoing support from partner agency, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, continues to produce benefits for all.


