Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Sports Development Activities – Tarbert 2024

Sport and Health are pleased to be offering sports activities for primary children in Tarbert, Isle of Harris. The Sports Sessions will take place in Sir E Scott School on Friday  10 May and Friday 14 June 2024.  Places are booked on the after school activities tab on the home screen of the Harris Sports Centre app and they go live at 12noon on the Friday preceding the activities.  If you require further information, please call the Harris Sports Centre or email

Sports Activities

Basic Sports (P1 – P4)

Dates:  Friday 10 May and Friday 16 June 2024
Time:  3:30pm – 4:15pm
Venue:  Sir E Scott School Hall
Ages: Primary 1 – Primary 4 Pupils
Cost:  £4.20 for non-members and £2.10 for members

Ball, Racquet Sports and Swim (P5 – P7)

Dates:  Friday 10 May and Friday 16 June 2024
Time:  4:15pm – 6pm (swim 5pm – 6pm) 
Venue:  Sir E Scott School Hall
Ages:  Primary 5 – Primary 7 Pupils
Cost:  £4.20 for non-members and £2.10 for members

All children going swimming must be age 8 or over