Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Uist Repopulation Action Zone Plan -Community Consultation

We Asked

We asked the community and stakeholders of Uist to share their views on the draft plan for Uist Repopulation Action Zone.

You Said


  • Housing is the key priority. Many potential residents face challenges finding housing even if they secure a job on the island.
  • There is a concern that second homes and holiday lets are restricting the housing market.
  • Various types of housing are needed, and young people require financial support to purchase homes.
  • The complexity of crofting was frequently discussed.

Sustainable Jobs:

  • Jobs are not a major issue; there are many available positions on Uist.
  • An Island Skills Training scheme could help increase the number of tradespeople.
  • Remote working offers potential, but improved connectivity and a Digital Hub are needed.


  • The poor state of roads and the ferry system are major concerns.
  • Improved bus networks, digital connectivity, and a community electricity network are necessary.
  • The unpredictability and cost of the air and, especially, the ferry services are impacting upon people’s livelihoods.

Access to Services:

  • Adequate access to NHS, schools, childcare, and shops is crucial for making the island attractive to current and potential residents.

Talent Attraction:

  • Messages promoting Uist should highlight job opportunities, safety, good schools, healthy lifestyles, great food produce, and proximity to Scottish cities.

Gaelic Language and Culture:

  • The community emphasised the importance of Gaelic and suggested it be central to the repopulation strategy.

We Did

Following receipt of the consultation report the Uist Repopulation Zone Working Group are committed to the delivery of an updated Plan and, whilst some actions can be delivered immediately, they are dedicated to influencing policy and procedural change to make Uist an attractive, sustainable, active and connected place to live whilst also retaining – and protecting – its unique qualities that entice people to stay.

We Did not Do / Reason

We have taken on-board all suggestions and comments to ensure the work reflects the community’s needs.



Thursday, 22 December 2022


Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Contact Us

Kareen MacRury
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Isle of Lewis

Equalities Monitoring

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We asked the community and stakeholders of Uist to share their views on the draft plan for Uist Repopulation Action Zone.

Why we are consulting

Access to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s IT system, including its website, have been affected by a Criminal Cyber Incident on 7 November and the full consultation details previously published cannot be accessed. Therefore, the outcome of the consultation is published on the interim website to inform the public of its outcome.