Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Minister Visits RCGF Projects

Joe Fitzpatrick Meeting Catriona Dunn and Angus Lamont at Aros an Rubha
Joe Fitzpatrick Meeting Catriona Dunn and Angus Lamont at Aros an Rubha

As part of a visit to the Outer Hebrides Joe Fitzpatrick MSP, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning joined Comhairle nan Eilean Siar officers on a tour of local Regeneration Capital Grant Fund funded projects.

Regeneration Capital Grant Fund or RCGF is a Scottish Government fund that supports locally developed, place-based regeneration projects that involve local communities.

As part of the tour of projects Mr Fitzpatrick visited the Great Bernera Marine Hub, Aros An Rubha and Stornoway Regeneration Programme.

In Bernera £410,000 of RCGF funding was awarded to support a community project to transform the unsafe and underused waterfront at Kirkibost through remediation work and the development of the shoreline area.

In Point £339,000 of RCGF funding was awarded to support the development of a vibrant, carbon neutral, community hub offering various community services, employment, volunteering opportunities and promoting cultural heritage within the local community.

Joe Fitzpatrick meeting Alex John Mackenzie at AMK (part of the Stornoway Regeneration Programme)
Joe Fitzpatrick meeting Alex John Mackenzie at AMK (part of the Stornoway Regeneration Programme)

In Stornoway over £2 million of RCGF funding was awarded to transform vacant and derelict land in the Newton Industrial area of Stornoway, facilitating further private sector investment and small and medium business growth, and delivering on a ‘Commercial Corridor’ in the Town.

Cllr Donald Crichton, Chair of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sustainable Development Committee, said:

“The Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) has supported communities throughout the Outer Hebrides over the past period.  The Comhairle has succeeded in attracting more than £15m of RCGF into the local economy which has enabled community infrastructure of nearly £70m to be created.  RCGF projects have been spread across the Outer Hebrides and have included investments such as developing new community hub facilities, supporting the redevelopment of community museums and creating new business and marina facilities.  These investments have created new economic opportunity and as such have been critical to community sustainability.”

Planning Minister Joe FitzPatrick, said:

“My trip to Lewis has been a welcome opportunity to see the impact of place-based regeneration investment from the Scottish Government in support of local communities and businesses.

“Projects like the Great Bernera Marine Marina Hub, the redevelopment of the former school building in Knock and the ambitious Stornoway Regeneration Programme create jobs, support businesses and contribute to the cultural life of the island. Crucially, they can also help harness wider investment and attract further development.

“The Scottish Government continues to support regeneration projects across Scotland with £45.8m in capital investment in 2024-25 and I remain eager to discuss what more we can do to support local people and businesses in delivering a shared vision for their places.”


