Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Adult Social Care

How do I ask for a Adult social care service?

If you already have a social worker, then you should contact them direct. Otherwise during office hours you can contact Health and Adult Social Care Department who will ask you some questions to find out your needs and how best to meet these. You can contact Health and Adult Social Care by: 

If in an emergency and you need a service out with office hours, then you can contact 01851 701702.

Adult Social Work

Should you have query or concern about adult social care needs, relating to you or a family member, then contact can be made with the Assessment and Care Management Team. The team will provide:-

  • Information and advice about care assessments, services and available supports in your area
  • Assessment of care need with information and advice on eligibility through the national eligibility criteria for adult social care
  • Ongoing Adult Social work / Adult social care support where required
  • Review of current care service provision

For further information contact the Assessment and Care Management duty worker on 01851 822708.

Justice Social Work

The Justice Social Work service provide a statutory service to the Courts and to individuals subject to community payback and supervision, both within the community and within custody. Should there be any query relating to Justice Social Work or licences / orders, please make contact on 01851 822708 and request to speak to one of the social workers in that team.

Adult Support and Protection

Any concerns or referrals can be discussed with the duty worker on 01851 822708.

Adult Mental Health

Doctors requiring Adult Mental Health Officer Services should continue to make contact with the duty worker on 01851 822708.

Duty of Candour

If you would like any further information then please contact Tim Langley, the Comhairle’s Monitoring Officer (