Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Sport and Health Update

Following the Comhairle’s budget setting process changes to the Slàinte Mhath Membership scheme, pay as you go prices and Sports facility opening hours will come into effect from 1 April 2024.

Budget Context

In January Cllr Paul Steele, Leader of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, noted that the Scottish Government’s Financial Settlement had left the Comhairle with effectively no money to implement service improvement. In February following further analysis of the budget settlement the Comhairle communicated that the savings the Comhairle must make will see some service levels likely to be reduced.  Despite the need for savings the agreed changes will allow the Comhairle to maintain and protect our Sport and Health provisions across the Western Isles.

Slàinte Mhath Membership

For the first time since May 2020 we will be raising our Slàinte Mhath membership prices by 10%. While price rises are never welcome, we believe that these prices still offer exceptional value for money and that Slàinte Mhath remains the cheapest membership of its kind across Scotland.

From 1st April 2024, your Direct Debit mandates will automatically be raised to the following prices:

  • Family Membership – £27.50 per month (£2.50 increase)
  • Individual Membership – £20.50 per month (£1.75 increase)
  • Family Concession Membership – £20.50 per month (£1.75 increase)
  • Individual Concession Membership – £16.50 per month (£1.50 increase)

 Through raising our membership prices by 10% we hope to generate some of the income shortfall to ensure that our facilities can continue to operate at their optimum capacity.

Slàinte Mhath not only gives you full access to facilities and classes across our six Western Isles sites but also provides access to a wide-range of mainland leisure facilities across Scotland at no extra charge, through the LeisureLink scheme. Slàinte Mhath members also benefit from a 50% discount on Motiv8 holiday activities, after-school clubs and our swimming lessons.

As ever, Slàinte Mhath members retain the option to cancel their membership through their bank at any time, however we do hope that you will be able to continue enjoying the benefits of Slàinte Mhath membership and in doing so, supporting the long-term future of our Island leisure facilities.

Pay As You Go Prices

In line with Comhairle policy and for further income generation, our pay as you go prices will be increased by 5% from 1 April 2024 – including our Motiv8 Holiday and After-School activities. Swimming Lessons will also be subject to a price rise.

A full list of our prices can be found on the Comhairle website.

Public Holidays

As part of the Comhairle’s budget planning for 2024-25 it has been agreed that all Western Isles Sports Centres will close on Public Holidays, taking effect from 1 April 2024. The public holidays affected for the 2024-25 year are as follows:

  • Monday 1st April 2024
  • Wednesday 17th July (Uist only)
  • Thursday 18th July (Uist only)
  • Friday 19th July (Uist only)
  • Friday 2nd August (Lewis, Harris and Castlebay)
  • Monday 5th August (Lewis, Harris and Castlebay)
  • Friday 11th October (Lewis, Harris and Castlebay)
  • Monday 14th October
  • Wednesday 25th December
  • Thursday 26th December
  • Wednesday 1st January
  • Thursday 2nd January

We understand that these changes will come as a challenge to many, especially in the current economic climate. However, maintaining our facilities and the services we provide is becoming more and more challenging each year and we must make these changes to protect our services so that our communities can continue to enjoy the benefits of sport and leisure across our Islands in the future.

We would like to thank you all for your ongoing support at this time. We welcome any queries or feedback from customers across the Western Isles, which can be directed to



