Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Lochmaddy Pier Opened

At a ceremony in Lochmaddy Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport today formally opened Lochmaddy Pier.

The Scottish Government funded Lochmaddy Pier upgrade works, delivered by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, has seen the length of the pier extended and a series of improvements implemented. 

The upgrade works have been completed as part of the Skye Triangle Infrastructure Improvement Programme alongside works at Tarbert, Harris and Uig, Skye.

Following a tender process the project to develop the pier was awarded to contractor George Leslie Limited for £15.3M in February 2022.

Fiona Hyslop Delivers a Speech

Speaking at the opening of the event Cllr Kenny Macleod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar thanked all those involved in the project as well as the community for their continued patience while the works were undertaken.

The Lochmaddy project and the works at Tarbert and Uig have been coordinated by the Little Minch Routes Infrastructure Group which includes representatives from Highland Council, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and partner organisations.

The Skye Triangle Infrastructure Improvement Programme has been completed in anticipation of the arrival of two new vessels currently under construction in Turkey.

Fiona Hyslop Cuts Ribbon

Cllr Uisdean Robertson, Chair of Transportation, said:

“The delivery of this project alongside the improvement works at Tarbert and Uig has demonstrated the value of close partnership working between Transport Scotland, CMAL, CalMac, Local Authorities and partner organisations. The development of the pier in anticipation of the arrival of the ferries currently under construction in Turkey is welcome and will see a dedicated vessel on the Lochmaddy to Uig route.”

Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, said: 

“I’m delighted to have been able to visit and help formally open these upgraded facilities at Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal, which have been funded with £15.7m from the Scottish Government.  “I’m delighted to have been able to visit and help formally open these upgraded facilities at Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal, which have been funded with £15.7m from the Scottish Government. 



