Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Booking Form

Note: The Nicolson Institute, Sgoil an Taobh Siar, Sir E Scott, Balivanich, and Daliburgh cannot be booked prior to 18:30 during term time.

Available let nights (Term Time Only)

Secondary Schools

  • The Nicolson Institute: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (18:30 – 21:30)
  • Castlebay: Tuesday, Thursday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Sgoil Lionacleit: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Sir E Scott: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (18:30 – 21:20) bookings for sports hall and pool through Lewis Sports Centre ONLY

Primary Schools (Lewis and Harris)

  • Sgoil an Rubha: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (18:30 – 21:30)
  • Stornoway Primary: Wednesday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Tong School: Wednesday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Back Primary: Thursday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Sgoil an Taobh Siar: Monday, Tuesday Wednesday (18:30 – 21:30)
  • Shawbost: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Breasclete: Wednesday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Sgoil nan Loch: Wednesday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Uig Primary: Thursday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Pairc Primary: Tuesday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Lionel School: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Leverburgh Primary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Laxdale Primary: Wednesday (18:00 – 21:30)

Primary Schools (Uist and Barra)

  • Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Balivanich Primary: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (18:30 – 21:30)
  • Iochdar Primary: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (18:00 – 21:30)
  • Daliburgh Primary: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (18:30 – 21:30)
  • Eoligarry Primary: Thursday (18:00 – 21:30)

Saturday Lets

All schools are available for bookings on Saturday between 10:00 – 18:00

Pitch Charges

All pitch bookings are subject to charge as per the Comhairle’s Corporate Pitch Let Policy.

Grass Pitch (Match or 1hr hire)

  • Adult – £48
  • Junior – £24

All Weather Pitch (Full Pitch)

  • Adult – £68
  • Junior – £34

Full Size Pitch (MUGA)

  • Adult – £34
  • Junior – £17

All Weather Pitch (Half Pitch)

  • Adult – £34
  • Junior – £17

Please note: all lets are subject to janitorial cover being available or a member of school staff being available to supervise the let. Lets will not be approved where cover is not available for insurance purposes.

All kitchen lets are subject to approval by the Schools Catering Manager and will be charged at a commercial rate to all groups. No kitchen lets will be permitted unless they can be staffed by a member of the School Catering Team.


All School Let Booking Requests require 14 days notice. Any requests that do not comply with this will be refused.