Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Further Recognition for Goathill Project

The Goathill Development Project was presented with the Housing and Regeneration award at last night’s (7 December) SURF Awards.

The Housing and Regeneration award recognises projects that are planned and delivered in a way which produces substantial, lasting benefits to resident communities and contributes to wider regeneration.

John Maciver, Director of Operations (HHP) and Dan Macphail Senior Projects Manager (CNES) were on hand to pick up the award at the ceremony in Glasgow.

In November staff from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and HHP met with the SURF judges at the Goathill project, where they saw and heard firsthand the benefits being enjoyed by residents.

SURF has provided an overview of the reason for the judging panel’s decision:

“The judges were impressed by the ambition of the project, and the overall enthusiasm, collaboration and partnership approach to delivery shone through at every level. The project successfully incorporates a range of tenures, including affordable housing and provision for people with additional care needs, to create a whole new neighbourhood. The judges reflected that the development felt settled and complete, incorporating design features which complemented the existing environment and island style.

“The wider community benefits achieved through procurement were also evident including shared apprenticeship schemes, improved road infrastructure and additional space for play. The accommodation for care had been designed based on a firm foundation of research and frontline engagement. The result includes personalised spaces for the delighted residents and much improved working environments for staff, leading to healthier and happier lives and a real positive addition for the wider Islands provision.”

Dena Macleod, Chief Executive at HHP said:

“Everyone involved in this project should be proud of what has been delivered, it is a fantastic complex which has made a real change for people in our community. The SURF award is the icing on the cake and a well-deserved recognition of the hard work invested by contractors, their agents and the overall project team including the Scottish Government More Homes Team at Inverness. ”

Gordon Macleod, Chair of HHP said:

“It is great to see this project receiving this award and it is just recognition for everyone that was involved in the project from its inception to completion. The dedication of the contractors and our partners has provided a first-class facility for our island.”

Emma Macsween, Head of Partnership Services, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, said:

“Achieving this award is further recognition for the hard work of all partners and demonstrates the benefits of strong partnership working. Thanks to the dedication, informed decision making, and person-centred approach shown by all involved we have delivered a project that sets the standard for developments of this nature and is delivering a real positive impact to our community.”


