Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle

Assaye Place, Stornoway – (Prohibition of Driving – Except for Access ) Order 2024

Statement of Reasons

In 2009 the Comhairle agreed to commence the process to implement a “Prohibition of Entry Order” which would have led to a one-way system being introduced on Assaye Place. However, following an objection and concerns over the resulting impact of traffic on the Willowglen Road/ A859 junction this was not continued.

In recent years representations from residents and the local Councillor suggested a high volume of traffic travelling through Assaye Place from Willowglen Road at excessive speeds. The concerns related to the safety of children in the area who were playing on the footpath or cycling on the road. “On street” parking also restricted visibility if the road was busy.

Traffic surveys were undertaken and although the average vehicle speeds were below 30mph these surveys showed evidence of Assaye Place being used as a through road at peak times.

In 2021 an 8-month Experimental Order was introduced prohibiting vehicular entry in to Assaye Place from Willowglen Road except for local access. Reducing the volume of traffic in Assaye Place would allow a safer environment for pedestrians but could have a negative impact on Willowglen Road. The Order was extended by 5 months to allow normal traffic patterns to return following Covid.

The objective of the Experimental Order was to assess the impact on both streets. Residents on Willowglen Road had stated their concerns that Assaye Place should not be looked at in isolation and that the level of displaced traffic would affect Willowglen Road by increasing vehicular volumes and causing tailbacks at the junction with the A859 junction .

Traffic surveys showed a reduction in traffic levels on Assaye Place with traffic volumes on Willowglen Road remaining at a level similar to those taken prior to the Experimental Order. There did not appear to be any increase in queueing traffic at the Willowglen Road/A859 junction.

On the basis of the traffic patterns during the Experimental Order a decision was taken to proceed with a permanent Order. A traffic calming scheme on Willowglen Rd was installed earlier this year.

The aim of this Order is to increase safety for pedestrians and road users in this area.

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