Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle
  • Kallin Harbour Approaches – Extinguished Nav Buoys

    NTM: 07/2023 – Kallin Harbour Approaches – Extinguished Nav Buoys Location: Kallin Harbour, Grimsay, Isle Of North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland Notice: Mariners are advised that the following Nav Buoys on the approaches to Kallin Harbour, North Uist are Extinguished: PORT Hand Buoy @Bo Carrach PORT Hand Buoy No.2 STBD Hand Buoy No.3 Please navigate…

  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Commences Rebuilding Process Following Cyber-Attack

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is making steady progress in our work to restore the full delivery of services following the cyber-attack on 7 November. The investigative team has again reported that there is no indication that the information stored on the Comhairle’s servers has been extracted or published.  While this investigation continues the Comhairle is working to…

  • Further Recognition for Goathill Project

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Cyber-Attack The criminal investigation into the cyber-attack on Tuesday 7 November is ongoing and accordingly there are still many questions to be answered. There are also restrictions on what can be said at this time. This Q and A is a live document that will be updated as and when the…

  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Annual Ceremony

    The Western Isles Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Ceremony for Lewis participants took place on Friday 1st December in the Assembly Hall, Nicolson Institute, Stornoway.  This year’s Ceremony was opened by Cllr Paul Finnegan, Chair of Education Sports & children’s Services Committee, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.  Over 100 young people were presented with Duke of Edinburgh’s…

  • National recognition for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Winter Safety Campaign

    CEO, Lorraine Gillies: Comhairle Leader Paul Steele commented: “With a little preparation we can all stay safe throughout the Winter months and this excellent resource provides invaluable information on all aspects of personal safety, including emergency contact details. I should also like to highlight that Winter can be a particularly challenging time for our more…

  • Maoin an YLAG ga chur air bhog

    Na bu tràithe an t-seachdain sa, chuir buidheann-òg OH CLLD a’ chuairt-mhaoineachaidh aca, an YLAG Fund, air bhog. Tha am maoin seo ag amas air a bhith a’ cuideachadh bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd no carthanais a nì feum do dhaoine òga – ’s e sin an fheadhainn fo 30 – anns na h-Eileanan Siar. Faodar cur a-steach…

  • Tribute to former North Lochs Councillor

    Tribute has been paid to former North Lochs Councillor Malcolm Dan Macleod who died recently at the age of 91.   Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Convener, Councillor Kenneth Macleod said: ” It was with sadness that we learned of the passing of Calum Dan Macleod.  Mr Macleod was Councillor for the North Lochs Ward from…

  • Deasbad Nàiseanta Loganair nan Àrd-sgoiltean Ghàidhlig 2023

    Ghabh a’ chuairt dheireannach de Dheasbad Loganair nan Àrd-sgoiltean Ghàidhlig 2023 àite air Diardaoin 30mh Samhain aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.  B’ iad na sgiobaidhean a bha a’ gabhail pàirt, Sgoil Sir E Scott B agus  Àrd-sgoil Sheumais Ghilleasbuig. Airson a’ mholaidh bha Elie Ceit NicIain agus Isla Scott à Sgoil Sir E Scott agus an…

  • Scalpay Community Council

    The Comhairle is seeking nominations to fill the remaining nine vacancies on Scalpay Community Council.  In order to be established, a minimum of six valid nominations must be received by the deadline below. Nomination papers may be obtained from the Council Offices, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, HS1 2BW and must be delivered to the Returning Officer…