Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Logo (with tagline Ag Obair Còmhla Airson nan Eilean)
Lews Castle
  • 2024-25 YLAG Fund Launched

    The Outer Hebrides Community Led Local Development Youth Local Action Group (CLLD YLAG) have launched their grant fund. A total of £10,000 is available and each applicant may apply for up to £4,000. Applications will be accepted from constituted community groups and initiatives that are based in the Outer Hebrides and demonstrate that their project…

  • Maoin YLAG 2024-25 ga Chur air Bhog 

    Tha buidheann-gnìomh òg Leasachadh fo Stiùir na Coimhearsnachd Innse Gall (Outer Hebrides CLLD YLAG) air cuairt-maoineachaidh fhoillseachadh. Uile gu lèir, bidh £10,000 ri fhaighinn agus thathar a’ sireadh iarrtasan airson suimean suas ri £4,000. Bithear a’ gabhail ri iarrtasan bho bhuidhnean is iomairtean coimhearsnachd a tha stèidhichte anns na h-Eileanan Siar as urrainn a dhearbhadh…

  • Deasbad 2024 Returns With New Major Sponsor

    The Management Committee of the National Gaelic Schools Debating competition is delighted to announce a new major sponsor for the 2024 competition.  The proposed Spiorad na Mara offshore wind farm project, will act as the lead sponsor for Deasbad 2024. The funding which has been secured from Spiorad na Mara will allow the 2024 competition…

  • Deasbad 2024 A’ Tilleadh Le Prìomh Bhiuidheann Taice Ùr

    Tha Comataidh Stiùiridh Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean Gàidhlig air leth toilichte ainmeachadh prìomh bhuidheann taice ùr airson farpais 2024.  Bidh Spiorad na Mara, pròiseact tuath-ghaoithe far-chosta, na phrìomh bhuidheann-urrais airson Deasbad 2024. Tha Comataidh Stiùiridh Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean Gàidhlig air leth toilichte ainmeachadh prìomh bhuidheann taice ùr airson farpais 2024.  Bidh Spiorad na Mara,…

  • Transport Chair Calls for Improved Resilience

    Cllr Uisdean Robertson, Chair of the Comhairle’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has called on Highlands and Islands Airports Limited to improve the resilience of their service at Stornoway Airport. Cllr Robertson’s call follows reports of flight cancellations because of staffing challenges at the Airport. Cllr Robertson said: “I have heard reports from individuals who have…

  • Stornoway Forum Agree Crown Estate Spend

    On 5 September a meeting of the Stornoway Forum agreed proposals to utilise £100,000 of Crown Estate Revenue to support the uplift of Stornoway Town Centre. At the meeting it was unanimously agreed that £20,000 of the funding would go towards the cleaning up of the Town Centre. It was also agreed to explore the costs…

  • Comhairle Highlights Concerns Over Crofting Law Reform Plans

    At a meeting of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Sustainable Development Committee on Tuesday 24 September Comhairle Members agreed to write to Jim Fairlie MSP, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity to express concerns over Crofting Law Reform. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar submitted a response to Scottish Government’s consultation on the matter which closed on 2 September…

  • Comhairle Responds to CalMac’s South Uist Service Cancelation

    Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has reacted to the news that CalMac has chosen to remove the ferry service to South Uist as a result of further delays to MV Caledonian Isles returning to service.  CalMac’s decision followed a community consultation exercise which gave people about four hours to express a view. The unanimous view of…

  • Service Marks War Memorial Centenary

    On Saturday 21 September members of the public gathered to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the unveiling of the Lewis War Memorial. The service at the Lewis War Memorial was led by Rev William Heenan from St Columba’s Church, Stornoway, and featured the laying of wreaths on behalf of the community of the Western Isles…

  • Education & Children’s Services Consultation

    The Education and Children’s Services Department are looking for your views as they prepare a new strategic plan for their services for the next five years. To help with creation of the plan, the department are looking for the views of our community on the strategic vision and priorities for the different sections of the…