Information for Children and Young People

Frequently Asked Questions, Useful Contacts

Child Protection Planning Meetings - Information for Children and Young People

 A Child Protection Planning Meeting (CPPM) is a meeting that is all about you and keeping you safe. Your Social Worker will explain the reasons why a Child Protection Planning Meeting has been arranged for you, so that you understand why it is taking place.

As well as you, someone you choose to support you and your parents / carers, there will be a mix of people you will know and people that you don’t know.  Your Social Worker, Headteacher or Guidance Teacher and School Nurse could all be there.  A special Police Officer is invited to all Child Protection Planning Meetings and will come in ordinary clothes, not a uniform.

Child Protection Planning Meetings take place online, using Microsoft Teams, although you can attend in-person at an office. Your Social Worker will discuss the arrangements for the meeting with you and the best way for you to attend.

No - you don’t have to go to the Child Protection Planning Meeting if you don’t want to, or if you feel it would be too upsetting.  If you don’t attend, your Social Worker will make sure your views are known, and your Social Worker will tell you what happened afterwards.

If you decide to come along, it’s really good to bring someone with you.  Your Social Worker can arrange for you to be supported by an Independent Advocacy Worker.

It is very important that other people at the Child Protection Planning Meeting know what you think is happening in your life.  Your Social Worker will speak with you about what you think and how to share your views. You might like to write a letter or draw a picture to let people know what you think. You may also be asked to give your views using a Wellbeing Web.  Your Social Worker will help you with this.  Your views can also be shared by an Independent Advocate, on your behalf, who can represent you if you do not wish to attend yourself.

The Child Protection Planning Meeting will decide if your name should be added to the Child Protection Register.  

The Child Protection Register is a list of children and young people who need to have special plans in place to make sure that they are kept safe and protected from harm.  

The Child Protection Register is confidential, which means it is private, so only a small group of workers will know your name is on the Child Protection Register.

The Chairperson must think about whether a referral should be made to the Reporter to the Children’s Hearing about you. If this happens, the Chairperson will explain why and will ask your Social Worker to spend time going over this with you.

One of the most important things that a Child Protection Planning Meeting does is to make a Child Protection Plan, showing what everyone, including your parents or carers, needs to do to make sure that you are cared for and kept safe.

If the Child Protection Planning Meeting decides that your name should not be added to the Child Protection Register, a Child’s Plan will still be made to make sure that you and your family get the help and support you need.

Let your Social Worker know what you think and how you feel.  Let him / her know that you are not happy about the decision that has been made about you.

If your name is added to the Child Protection Register, a Core Group Meeting will take place within 15 days.  A Core Group Meeting is a smaller group of people, who will meet regularly with you and your parents or carers to check whether the Child Protection Plan is working and make any changes that are needed to make sure that you are kept safe and protected.

There will be a Core Group Meeting every 4 weeks, whilst your name is on the Child Protection Register.

A Review Child Protection Planning Meeting will be held after 6 months, to consider if the Child Protection Plan is working and whether your name should stay on, or could be taken off, the Child Protection Register.

Please get in touch with your Social Worker.  You can also ask your Social Worker to put you in touch with other people who can help, or you can get in touch with them yourself.

Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland

Telephone: 0800 019 1179
Website:  Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland

Young Scot

Telephone: 0808 801 0338
Website:  Young Scot


Telephone: 0800 1111
Website:  Childline

Who Cares? Scotland

Telephone: 0141 226 4441
Website:  Who Cares? Scotland
Online Enquiry Form