NTM: 07/2023 – Kallin Harbour Approaches – Extinguished Nav Buoys
Kallin Harbour, Grimsay, Isle Of North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland
Mariners are advised that the following Nav Buoys on the approaches to Kallin Harbour, North Uist are Extinguished:
- PORT Hand Buoy @Bo Carrach
- PORT Hand Buoy No.2
- STBD Hand Buoy No.3
Please navigate with due caution whilst entering the harbour area during hours of darkness.
New replacement Lanterns have been ordered and will be fitted by NLV POLE STAR once delivered.
Contact Name: Iain Buchanan
DDI: 01851 822869 | Ext: 211274 | Mob: 07827 311501
Email: iain.buchanan@cne-siar.gov.uk